Members of the public are welcome to attend Planning Committee meetings or alternatively can submit comments by email to by 12 noon on the Monday before the meeting, making it clear which application they are commenting on. Where email is not available to parishioners comments can be called into the Parish Council Office on 01590 622829. Receipt of all comments will be acknowledged.
When submitting comments, please ensure that they are copied to the NFNPA ( as they are the Statutory Planning Authority and the ultimate decision to grant or refuse permission rests solely with them.
Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
Planning Committee
The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications. It reviews and makes a recommendation on every local application made to The New Forest National Park Authority (NFNPA). The NFNPA decides whether applications are granted or refused taking into account the Parish Council's view. Further guidance on the Parish Council's role and remit with respect to the Planning process can be found via this link to Planning guidance notes for members of the public.
The Committee usually meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Brockenhurst Village Hall but this is subject to change so please contact the Parish Clerk to check the date of the meeting and/or when a particular application is being discussed.
The Committee is chaired by Cllr. John Korbey and meetings are open to the public: a short period is set aside prior to the discussion of each application under consideration to enable members of the public to make presentments.
Even if you do not wish to make a personal presentation to the Council if you are forwarding written comments to the NFNPA it is helpful to send them to the Parish Council as well, preferably by email using this link to email the Parish Clerk. This will greatly assist the Council in reaching its recommendation to the NFNPA. Please use this link to email the Parish Clerk if you require further information.
Planning applications are available to view using this link to the NFNPA website and at Lymington Town Hall during public opening hours.