Flood Line
link to https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk
0345 988 1188
To report a faulty or blocked watercourse please contact the Parish Clerk on 01590 622829 or New Forest District Council on 023 8028 5000
The ditches and watercourses in the Parish play a vital part in clearing street or land water runoff, particularly in times of localised flooding.
All residents are requested to be good neighbours by clearing watercourses for which they are responsible and being aware of applicable riparian laws created by the Land Drainage Act 1976. This is enforced by the Environment Agency under powers granted by the Water Resources Act 1991 and the Environment Act 1995.
If a ditch borders your property in any way then you and the neighbouring landowner have riparian ownership and are jointly responsible for maintaining it, even if there is a fence between your property and the ditch. If the opposite side of the ditch is Crown land, it is your sole responsibility to maintain it. Even if a ditch no longer appears to be wet, the responsibility to ensure that it is kept free of debris and other obstructions still applies.
More information on riparian ownership can be found in the link to the Environment Agency's "Living on the Edge" guide to your rights and responsibilities.
Prior permission must be obtained from the Environment Agency if you wish to alter a watercourse (for example, extend your property over the ditch). This is to ensure there is no interference to the natural flow of the watercourse.
For more information on flood alleviation please see the National Flood Forum website: link to www.floodforum.org.uk
Hampshire County Council also have information on protecting your property from flooding which can be found at the link to www.hants.gov.uk/landplanningandenvironment/environment/flooding