Brookley Road Scheme and cycle racks

Brockenhurst Parish Council removed the cycle racks in Brookley Road in late May 2023 following damage sustained in a traffic incident. The cycle racks, located outside of Tesco Express, were hit over the Bank holiday weekend and once the damage was reported the racks were taped closed. The tape was subsequently removed by cyclists parking their bikes. Despite continued heavy demand for their use over the Bank holiday period the cycle racks have been removed due to health and safety concerns.

March 2024

Please click here to view an update from Hampshire County Council regarding the Active Travel Scheme for Brookley Road. 

Please click here for the drawing of the proposed layout.

July 2024

Please click here for information regarding the additional drainage surveys in Brookley Road.  Hampshire County Council intend to only close the road for the first three nights and for the other two nights there will be traffic lights in operation at the junctions of both ends of the road.