Parish Council Meetings
The Parish Council meets on the third Tuesday of the month (except August and December unless required) at 7pm in the Village Hall. The Chairman is Councillor Russell Horne.
The meeting is open to the public and a short period is set aside at the beginning of each meeting to enable members of the public to make presentments. Please note that members of the public cannot speak at Parish Council meetings other than in the public presentment period.
As the first tier of local government, the Parish Council has the ability to consider any matter in which it has a statutory power to act with discussion of parish and community affairs. In order to represent the local community to outside bodies, it receives regular reports from County and District Councillors and its own Committees. Information from statutory and non-statutory organisations, together with the general public, aids the Council in its decision making. The Parish Council then acts to deliver services and improve the community's quality of life.