New Milton Rugby Club
Normans Way, New Milton, BH25 5FN. Teams for all age groups (children and adults). Clubhouse available to hire for social events
01425 610401
Nordic Walking Lymington
Jane Monks 07752946001
Nordic Walking Brockenhurst
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Suzanne Madden 01590 622787
Pony Club (New Forest Branch)
Promotes sportsmanship and provides instruction in horsemanship and care of animals. Open to young people under 21 years
Sue Mitchell 07785936982
Probus Clubs
Promote fellowship for retired professional and business people:
Brockenhurst & District Club
Meets at Rhinefield House Hotel on second Tuesday of the month
Russell Horne 01590 624389
Rhinefield Club
Meets at Forest Park Hotel on third Wednesday of the month at 9.45am
01590 540040
Sway & District Club
Meets at South Lawn Hotel, Milford-on-Sea on first Thursday of the month at 10am
link to email Mike Reynolds
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New Forest Rambling Club
Rambling Association Affiliated
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01425 628553
Ramblers Association (New Forest Group)
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Frank Weller 023 8084 6702
Riding for the Disabled
link to email Sue Lynes 623437
Rotary Club - New Forest
Founded in May 1975, the New Forest Club has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds to support primarily local charities. We are a friendly and active group, dedicated to making a difference in the community while enjoying the process.
Who We Are
Our members hail from across the New Forest National Park and regularly meet in or near Lyndhurst and Brockenhurst, taking full advantage of the stunning surroundings. We prioritize building lasting friendships, fostering business connections, and having fun while supporting charitable causes.
What We Do
We meet most Monday evenings and organize a variety of fundraising events, including golf tournaments and Christmas collections. These efforts allow us to donate approximately £15,000 annually to both local and international charities.
Our Meetings
- 1st Monday: A social evening with family and friends, featuring a meal and a guest speaker (excluding bank holidays).
- 2nd, 4th, and 5th Mondays: Informal gatherings at a local pub.
- 3rd Monday: Committee and business meetings at a designated venue.
Guests are always welcome to join us!
Join Us
Interested in attending a meeting or becoming a member? Visit our website here and select “Visit our Club” or “Membership,” or contact Tim at 07498 985958 for more details.
Check out the ‘Happening Soon’ and ‘Meetings & Events’ sections on our website for up-to-date information.
Larry Anthony 01425 627386
Inner Wheel of Lymington
Doreen Cummins 01590 671546
Rotary Club of New Forest
Philip Dinn 01590 624588
Royal British Legion (Brockenhurst Branch)
Meets at the Forest Park Hotel on the first Thursday of the month at 6pm
Mike Matthews 01590 624033
Rugby Tots
Classes at Brockenhurst Village Hall and Brockenhurst College
0345 313 3244
Run for Fun
Couch to 5k. Come and join our very sociable friendly walking / jogging group led by qualified UK Athletics run leaders. Ages range from 23 to 82 years. Meets every Friday from 9.30 to 10.30am at Whitefield Moor Car Park.
link to email Sally 07812 120801
Helen 07786 196414
Scottish Country Dancers (New Forest)
Classes for all standards on Wednesdays at the Methodist Church Hall at 7.30pm to 10pm. Beginners and visitors welcomed
Maggie Moran 01590 623849
Sway Youth Football Club
Jubilee Field, Sway, SO41 6BE
Teams for boys and girls from Under 7s to Under 16s
link to
01590 682118
University of the Third Age (U3A)
Lymington Branch
Meets at Lymington Community Centre, New Street, Lymington, SO42 9BQ on the first Thursday of the month at 2.30pm
Chris Stone, Secretary 01590 672673
Lyndhurst Branch
Meets at Lyndhurst Community Centre, Main Car Park, Lyndhurst, SO43 7NY on the second Wednesday of each month (except August) at 2.30pm
Anne Neale, Secretary 023 8028 3490
Wednesday Lunch Club
Home cooking and company for the 'not so young'. Meets at the Brockenhurst Church Hall on Wednesdays at 12.30pm during school term time. Advance menus displayed in the Church Hall and in the Parish Magazine. Booking essential. Transport can be arranged
Lesley Munt 01590 612015
Women's Institute
Meetings held at Village Hall on the second Monday of the month (except August) at 7.30pm include a speaker or other activity. All ladies welcome from age 15 upwards
Mary Jeans 01590 623976
Young Farmers' Club
Promotes awareness and encourages sporting and craft activities associated with the countryside. Open to all young people between 10 and 26 years of age. Meets on Fridays in the 'Pig Sty' at the Out of Town Centre, Palace, Beaulieu, SO42 7YG
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